Almost a month later. Hmmm... not too bad for regular posts these days. I am finally getting around to perking off that rum wine into something a bit more potent. I did the first three of twelve gallons and got two quarts of 150 proof rocket fuel. I will have to dial this one back a fair amount more than the last batches but such is the price for experiments.
The currant wine is coming along beautifully. I racked off the two gallons and have a little less now, but it sure looks pretty. I got a smackeral of a bit and it tasted darn good for this early on. I am filled with hope.
Robin decided a while back to do some cherries packed in brandy and that one is a very good mix. Today, she went for a vodka/cherry mix and did not even save me a dram of vodka.
Shame on her! In her defense, I had purchased a bottle of vodka a few weeks back expressly of that purpose but it looked so lonely on the shelf... Today, I bought her a re-fill and we promptly preserved the cherries.
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