Sunday, September 6, 2020

Update for all seasons gone by

 Changes.  Where to start... I guess the place to start, as always, is with Robin. Within a short time after my last update (just posted), Robin was diagnosed with cancer. Urachal adeno carcinoma. It's a sneaky bastard that has no cure. It affects a very small insignificant portion of the population that gets cancer and apparently not worth much research. 

We got lucky with an early diagnosis which, with limited resources for treatment, got us a couple years.

Robin died in the Fall of 2016 and I placed her ashes in The Grove of the Patriarchs in Mt. Rainier National Park. I visit there as often as I can.

Robin's death took a toll on me even to this day and I stopped any brewing and a lot of other things in my life. I'm finally getting my shit together and just started a new batch of mead. No spices, just a bit of vanilla. It's almost done perking and if my forgetful brain doesn't wander, I'll post a more frequent update.

Cheers to all who hold life dear! It truly is a beautiful thing.

David years later...

Almost a month later.  Hmmm... not too bad for regular posts these days.  I am finally getting around to perking off that rum wine into something a bit more potent.  I did the first three  of twelve gallons and got two quarts of 150 proof rocket fuel.  I will have to dial this one back a fair amount more than the last batches but such is the price for experiments.

The currant wine is coming along beautifully.  I racked off the two gallons and have a little less now, but it sure looks pretty.  I got a smackeral of a bit and it tasted darn good for this early on.  I am filled with hope.

Robin decided a while back to do some cherries packed in brandy and that one is a very good mix.  Today, she went for a vodka/cherry mix and did not even save me a dram of vodka. 
Shame on her!  In her defense, I had purchased a bottle of vodka a few weeks back expressly of that purpose but it looked so lonely on the shelf...  Today, I bought her a re-fill and we promptly preserved the cherries.